It was a wonderful experience to colloberate with Ziv Frenkel on the contemporary dance piece ” encoding decoding”. Due to the Covid 19 pandemic our performances were postponed, which gave us much more time than usual to meticulously work out the interaction of music and dance. The music only consists of some singing and the sounds of the dancer’s footsteps, which are recorded, edited and processed live during the performance.
Sound design for art installation

It was great fun to work with James Nizam for his art installation “Celestial Telegraphies” at Reiter Gallery in Berlin. The challenge was to find a way to transform his photos of the night sky into sound. This sound was then transformed back into light and travelled through the exhibition room via laser. The laser was then transformed back into sound and sent to a loudspeaker.
Composition and arrangement for “Geschichten”
My work for Simone Sandroni’s piece “Geschichten die ich nie erzählte” at Theater Bielefeld combined composition , sound design, arrangement and music editing. Apart from composing original music, I had to subtly rearrange and edit existing music. The result is a extremely personal and intimate but also entertaining piece of contemporary dance.
Music for “Boxom”
In cooperation with the well-known singer Y’akoto I composed the music for this great dance theatre piece by Helge Letonja. With dancers from Africa and Europe the piece deals with West-African realities and gazes from there to Europe and back. It merges different perspectives and dance languages and combines dance, live vocals and live music mixing.
The piece was premiered at Africtions festival in Ludwigshafen, but has been shown in Stadttheater Bremen, Le Theatre de Verdure Dakar Senegal, Hebelhalle Heidelberg and Staatstheater Kassel
Sound editing for Nevin Aladag’s “Traces”
I was great fun to do the sound design and sound editing for Nevin Aladag’s 3-channel video installation “Traces” at Kunstmuseum Stuttgart. It’s seems like the second chapter of Nevin’s prior work “Session”, which was set in Dubai. Only this time it’s set in Stuttgart. I especially love violine playing carousel!